As you can see, all the latest buzz in my blog has been about my sister’s wedding. And so the wedding was made official on last 15th of October!
The wedding ceremony begins in my home, followed by the holy matrimony in St. Yohanes Bosco church, which is in walking distance from my home, and then we have the tea pai ceremony and wedding reception at Putri Duyung, Ancol.
To make it even more awesome, I will tell the story in photos! 🙂
Red Ribbon in my front door to symbolize the house of a bride.Ci Juwita, the bridesmaid, helping the bride wearing her shoes. It’s part of the wedding symbolism.The bride kisses her mother, then her father. Then, the bride’s parents close the wedding veil together.The happy parents!The happy siblings!The Wedding Car has arrived!The groom and the bestman has arrived!The bride is there with her father. They both looks nervous, eh?Holy Matrimony : The Bride and Groom committing themself for each other in front of God, and therefore they are both united into one by the God himself. Beautiful beautiful sacrament.The bride and all the relatives releasing balloons to the sky!All the people in the room are waiting for those who will come in through this door.. Who are they? Wait for itttttttThe bride’s parents are entering the room, followed by a huge round of applause!And finally! The Bride and The Groom are there to make 1200 people in that room smiling brightly at them!And when they’ve become the center of the attention, it’s time for the Wedding Kiss!!!So the wedding stage is complete! The happy bride, the happy groom, and their happy parentsThe Bride and The Groom are cutting through the wedding cake together.Let their love flows like the Champagne through the glasses.Till death do us part…..
Watching someone I love grabbing his/her dream brings a remarkably big joy to my heart. A wedding has been my sister’s dream, and she has gone through tears and scars until she finally found it. I feel so blessed to be able to witness this beautiful beautiful moment.
Thanks for viewing! Photos of the events at my house was taken by me, and the other was taken by my friend, Mario. The last photo was taken by my cousin, Ko Adi. It is so disappointing that I didn’t have access to take photos of some of the most important events, such as the Holy Matrimony and the tea pai. But I believe Adiwarna Photography has them all, since they are the official photographer, and I can’t wait to see them!
And again. Congratulations, my dear sister. Love you. 🙂
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Buat gue, Mama adalah wonder woman.
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